Angela Mee Lee
Angela Mee Lee has lived internationally for over 20 years and worked at schools in Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, and India. Angela became inspired by the values and educational approach of infant toddler centres in Reggio Emilia, Italy whilst working at United World College of South East Asia, EtonHouse, and The Blue House in Singapore.
In her present role as Atelierista at the American School of Bombay (ASB), Angela brings unique artistic expertise to the early childhood learning community by expanding and deepening the ideas of young children through engagements with materials and musical expression. Drawing upon philosophical and project-based ideas from the Reggio Emilia approach, Angela’s role is based upon close collaboration between herself, teachers, children and parents. Her programs developed in the atelier are built on the premise of differentiation, empowerment and that everyone is an artist.
Alongside offering support in creating spaces with her colleagues, Angela has presented at early childhood conferences and led parent and teacher workshops sharing her experience with designing educational spaces and how learning possibilities evolve. Over 6 years of pioneering different ateliers, Angela introduces ways for schools to start building inspiring learning environments and concrete ideas to develop an authentic transdisciplinary program.
Angela began her career as a Music and Physical Education teacher and later returned to the University of Melbourne, Australia to complete a Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy (Psychology). Upon constant reflection as an educator, Angela recognizes the importance of relevant learning experiences and how this impacts individuals’ health and well-being. She believes building an atelier space is the first step for a community to review mindset and pedagogy and scaffold the potential for change.