Master Planning & Architectural Design
In Collaboration with Pazdan Smith
Putting the STEAM into STEM
Fisher STEAM School was built as a new 750 student Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) middle school. This campus implements a timely and modern vision for STEM that integrates Arts and Design into STEM – the STEAM in the STEM. The design envisions that the entire building and landscape around it serves as a lab for student inquiry. The facility, based on the learning community model, is designed to provide a variety of learning spaces for students that enable multiple modalities of learning.
The building design facilitates the delivery of an engaging curriculum that includes the design, programming, and assembly of robots, to the observation, maintenance, and experimentation with botanical elements on site.
The interdisciplinary academic clusters housed in learning communities create connections between learning spaces so that teachers can plan and students can execute complex projects together. Each cluster has a gallery for finished student projects, and prototypes in process. Additionally, there are assembly spaces throughout the building for business, industry, and academic partners who include Clemson University, BMW and Goodyear.